“Implicit Social Cognition”
- 【日時】
- 2023年11月11日(土)14:00〜16:00
- 【会場】
- 京都大学稲盛財団記念館大会議室(及びzoom開催予定)
- 【テーマ】
- “Implicit Social Cognition”
- 【講演者】
- Mahzarin R. Banaji教授(Harvard大学)
- 【企画・司会】
- 斎木 潤(京都大学)
- 【講演概要】
- How deep are the bounds on human thinking and feeling and how do they shape social judgments? For the past 40 years, I have studied attitudes, beliefs, and identities that operate relatively outside an individual’s conscious awareness or control. We now know that decisions guided by implicit cognition may not be in one’s own interest and is often at odds with consciously expressed values. Using this dissociation as a starting point, we have explored facets of the nature of implicit social cognition: its universality and cultural variations, its developmental origins, neural underpinnings, and stability and malleability, with new evidence from many labs now demonstrating that regional implicit bias is robustly correlated with socially significant outcomes in domains such as health, education, and law enforcement. I will focus on research that is underway in the lab using NLP approaches (word embeddings) to interrogate large language corpora (Common Crawl, Google Books) in their role as creators and reflectors of mental content in individual minds.